DATE | 1988 |
TECHNIQUE | Three-dimensional piece |
EDITION | Unique word |
PROPERTY | Concha Jerez Archive |
DIMENSIONS | (170 x 100 x 65) cm |
DESCRIPTION | An ancient bench painted in gold of those that were used in the villages indistinctly to sit and to sleep. On the back, the title of the piece in metal letters also gilded: DIARIO LIMITE. Covering the seat completely, washed wool from Malpartida de Cáceres from an installation on the concept of LIMITES, which the author made at the Wewerka Gallery in Malpartida in 1986. On the wool, a glass of (153×43) cm – the maximum longitudinal measurements of the author -, with the letters of the word INTERIOR and the illegible graphics of the same in black. |
HISTORY | This piece had its origin in the wool that forms part of it, which was used in one of the interventions that made up the complex LÍMITES installation, which the author carried out in the Wewerka gallery in Malpartida de Cáceres in 1986. |
EXHIBITIONS | It was finished as a piece in 1988, date in which it was shown for the first time in the individual exhibition of the author, with the title PIEZAS 1983 – 88 in the Ángel Romero Gallery in Madrid.
Subsequently, this piece has been part of several of the author’s installations, such as the one entitled VIAJANTE DE PARAISOS FRAGMENTADOS, which was held at the Railway Museum in Madrid in 1995; the one on the theme of DIARIO LÍMITE INTERIOR, which was held at the Contemporary Art Centre La Fábrica de Abarca de Campos (Palencia) in 1996; and the one entitled EN EL UMBRAL DE LA MIRADA, which was held at the Pablo Gargajo Museum in Zaragoza in 1997. |